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AMEYXGS Bowhunting Skill

Jun 23, 2022 AMEYXGS-archery
AMEYXGS Bowhunting Skill-AMEYXGS Archery
How to successfully make a ton of money during bowhunting season?
In this blog, the 21 best tips to help you get the most out of this season.

1. Use deer urine as bait
You can place it on grass or trees where you want to lure deer. Doe urine usually attracts bucks and females, while buck urine tends to attract only bucks.
Make sure to only pass blood pressure-lowering urine at the beginning of the season. Deer have territorial instincts and will be confused if they smell the urine of a doe early in the season.
2. Minimize human odors
This refers to the smell on everything you touch. Deer's sense of smell is thought to be about 100 times stronger than that of humans.
If you're hanging incense sticks around the tree, be careful when handling the bait. Use odor blocking soap and deodorant, and wash/dry your hunting gear with an odorless, odor-removing cleaner and drying sheet.
3. Pay attention to the wind direction
Pay close attention to the wind direction when placing the stand. If the wind carries your scent the wrong way, you might scare away some nice money. Research your area and wind direction to make the best choice.
4. Choose the best height for your booth
When it comes to your tree stand placement, it's important to choose the best height for your tree stand.
Most archers are about 15-20 feet off the ground. This keeps your scent off the ground and keeps you high enough that most deer can't see you.
Several other factors also come into play, such as visibility, coverage and comfort.
You want to make sure you can see the area you want to see while maintaining good cover so the deer won't spot you. You may need to clear a few branches to give yourself a clear shot through, or if you don't have enough branches to cover you lower, you can place your stand higher.
Never put your stand so high that you don't feel comfortable. If you're uncomfortable shooting, you're likely to make a mistake that could cost you. Make sure your booth is placed so you feel safe.
5. Keep a Hunter Log
If you've never saved a hunter journal before, you might want to start now.
A hunter log is where you can keep information about areas you hunt frequently, which will increase your odds of getting good deer.
You can record which stands see the most deer and pay attention to wind direction, temperature, etc. to see which stands are likely to generate the most action in the future. It may take a little extra time now, but it will pay off later.
6. Work on your archery form
Bow hunting breaks down into your archery form. If your form is closed, your lens is closed.
Common mistakes include:
Shooting too long
Lock arm while shooting
Incorrect grip/twist bow
Dropping arm prematurely after shooting
wince when shooting
7. Practice makes perfect
Practice as much as you can to get really comfortable with your bow and its setup. Practice shooting with (experienced) friends and watch you shoot so they can see where you might be making mistakes. If you're comfortable with your bow and grip, you'll be pulling faster and quieter for a better shot.
8. Take advantage of tracking cameras
Place tracking cameras in all areas you want to study. Figure out where the big bucks are, what they do, where they go, and what time of day they seek out food sources. This is especially important in the early season so you can find out the deer in your favorite area.
Tracking cameras can also help you determine where to place your simulated scratches, or see how much motion your simulated scratches are doing. This brings me to the ninth tip.
9. Take advantage of simulated scraping
There are many reasons why hunters might want to use simulated scratches.

On the one hand, you can actually control the route of the buck by using multiple strategically placed simulated scrapes along a specific route, directing the buck directly to you.

You can also make him more active by getting him curious about the "new guy in town" and asking him to take him out during the day.

A good technique is to take a limb or branch from another area and bring it to an area with no existing overhanging branches. Using this technique, tree branches can be placed almost vertically, very visible, and not obstruct the tracking camera.

Be sure to hang the mock scratch in an obvious place so it sticks out a bit. If you hang it on a heavy wood area, it will blend in and not see much movement. However, if you hang it vertically over the food area, and where there aren't many other branches and stuff, it's likely to be a winner.

As far as doing the actual scraping, mid-September is the best time to scrape the ground. Depending on how soft the soil is and how much time you have, try to make scratches about 24 inches in diameter or larger.

10. Calling with Grunt-Snort-Wheeze
The grunt-snort-wheeze call is used when you want to stop a mature buck that is moving faster than you want, or is almost within range but not quite there. It will stop him and give you time to shoot.

Grunt-Snort-Wheeze's cry sounds exactly what it looks like. It was a grunt, followed by a snort, and then the buck's long gasp by inhaling and curling his nostrils. These noises are made back to back.

Aim for the deer's location slightly ahead, select your shooting window, and use call. If the buck is out of range, using the call may prompt him to get closer and find out which other dominant bucks are around.

Be careful not to use this call with young Bucks, though. A young deer may be scared away by the sound of the dominant bucks around.

11. Practice setting up and tearing down your tree stand
Get your tree up and down and set it up. You don't want to spend a lot of time setting up your stand during hunting season and risk making too much noise and scaring off deer in the area.

More importantly, you want to be confident that you've set up your booth correctly, making it safe and secure. You want to feel comfortable when you're on your stand and not worry that you're going to fall from the tree at any given moment.

12. Use tree stand blind
Deer, especially white-tailed deer, are very good at spotting the slightest differences in their environment. It's a survival instinct. If you don't hide properly, you could scare away a fortune. This is where tree blindness comes in.

While ground shutters are easier to hide than tree stands, they are more difficult to hunt because your ability to spot deer is inhibited by the loss of height.

Tree stand blinds will cover the seat and platform of your stand and hide your movements. Hang it on the shooting rail, leaving a gap for you to climb into the seat (remember to account for any bulky gear).

A good tip is to use high-quality fabric blinds with loose leaves that mimic the natural movement of nature. Attach some branches from nearby trees to your blinds so your standing blinds blend in more naturally with their surroundings.

Be sure to leave enough shooting lanes for close range bow shooting.

13. Watch out for ticks
One thing that can quickly ruin a good hunting season is getting sick from tick bites. Those little fools delivered some serious blows, deadly diseases like tularemia, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease, and more.

Thankfully, you can prevent disease by preventing contact with ticks in the first place. picture:

Use insect repellents that contain products such as DEET
Tuck your pants into your boots or socks and your shirt into your pants (to prevent ticks from crawling into your clothing)
Use the middle of the trail whenever possible to avoid brushing on branches or brushes with ticks
shower as soon as possible when hunting or going out
Take time at the end of each day to thoroughly check your body for ticks
If you do find yourself with a tick, be sure to remove it properly.

Using tweezers, grab the tick as close to the skin as possible.
Pull the tick straight out; do not twist or yank.
Then clean the area with rubbing alcohol.
Be sure to call your doctor right away if you develop any strange symptoms, such as a fever or a rash.

14. Don’t Trim the Shooting Line Too Late
You don't want to wait too late to trim your shooting pass. Deer are aware of their surroundings and are easily startled. Messing up branches and leaving your scent behind is a surefire way to scare off any passing deer. All the hard work you've put into preparing the shot channel has gone in vain.

When you're clearing your driveway, it's nearly impossible not to leave your scent behind. That's why it's best to clear your shooting lanes on windy days and before heavy rain hits. Late summer to early fall will be the best time to clean up.

Also, be careful not to clear the driveway too much. If the deer's surroundings change too much too quickly, they can become paranoid. Only trim the driveway you deem necessary, the less the better.

You and a friend can help each other clear the driveway. Both of you benefit by keeping a second pair of eyes on the lane so that one of you can stay in the stands and make sure the other doesn't clear too much.

15. Wear seat belts
I insist that responsible hunters should always wear seat belts. A lot of times, hunters will feel comfortable and think it's ok not to wear a seat belt once or twice, and then it becomes a habit.

Believe it or not, no one is a "too good" hunter to fall off a tree stand. It can happen quickly and a fall can be fatal. To avoid the risk, the few minutes it takes to put on your seat belt is worth it.

The full body stiffness has a tether on the back of the harness that secures the archer to the tree. It is strapped to the hunter's thighs and chest to distribute the pressure throughout the body.

A lifeline is a rope that connects the top and bottom of the tree. Hunters use a carabiner (or something similar) to attach their tether to the lifeline, which slides easily up and down the lifeline to keep them attached to the stand from the ground.

If you slip, you can only fall up to 18 inches. Read the instructions that came with the seat belt to ensure proper fit. Most tree stands come with harnesses, or you can buy them separately at most archery stores.

16. Get your bow ready for you
You want to make sure your bow is always working at peak performance. It's to your advantage to follow the steps needed to keep the bow working smoothly. Some of these steps include:

Create the correct bow grip
balance your bow often
Choose a quality drop break
Choose the best release agent
All of these are equally important because they all provide the same result: a bow that works efficiently. If your bow is "built" around you and your shooting preferences, it will make your shots cleaner.

By creating a bow grip with the right amount of pressure, or choosing a release that matches your trigger preference, you can simplify your shooting accuracy and make you a better hunter. Hunting is a sport and you only get out of what you put into it. So, take the time and effort to maintain your equipment and you will reap the rewards.

17. Don't overthink your shot
I'm referring to getting rid of target panic.

Not sure what target panic is? Simply put, a target panic is when you can't hold the pin where you intended to hold it while aiming the bow.

Picture this: you raise your bow, but suddenly your bow is too heavy and you can't lift enough to place the bow exactly where you want it to hit. You either flip your wrist the moment you release or back off as the shot tries to hit that spot.

Sound familiar? If so, you may have experienced target panic. You're trying to control the timing of your shots. Instead of shooting with confidence, you wait for that perfect moment to release, but that perfect moment never comes and you miss the shot.

Try not to overthink the shot. Don't wait too long to fire arrows. Your brain is preoccupied trying to pinpoint an exact location, and the next thing you know is that you're almost paralyzed and you can't find the needle anywhere near your intended target. Just be ready, aim and release with confidence.

18. Check your bubble level (if your sight has one)
Eye level is critical to bow accuracy.

Horizontal closures usually result in most left-right misses. If you can keep the bow level during the shot, you can ensure consistency with each shot, which is very important for any avid archer.

19. Know your scope
Knowing the target's range is important if you want to take it down quickly and humanely. This is very important to the accuracy of your shots.

Even just 10 yards can have a huge impact on your shot. This can mean the difference between a hit or a miss.

A good tip is to use a rangefinder to help you know which trees or stumps are within your range, so that once the deer passes the object, you know which crosshair to use to shoot.

20. Keep your bowstring waxed
Just like your car needs regular maintenance to prevent wear and tear, so does your bowstring.

One of the easiest ways to maintain a string is to wax it. At any given time, you should be able to touch your strings and feel them slightly sticky. If you touch it and it feels dry or smooth, or if you see the string getting fuzzy or "fuzzy," it needs to be waxed.

Most bowstring waxes are easy to apply. It usually comes on a stick, kind of like deodorant. You just rub it up and down on the string, then use your fingers and thumb to rub the wax onto the string.

Again, don't over-wax. There should be no visible lumps of wax on the strings, over-waxing can cause the serve material to separate and negatively affect your bow performance.

21. Use high-quality arrows
When it comes to bows, don't be cheap, especially during hunting season. In addition to making sure you're using the correct type of arrow chords for your particular bow, you'll want to use high-quality accessories.

Cheaper arrows, such as those made of wood, will not last as long as arrows made of carbon or aluminum. Not only that, but because they're made of organic material (and warp easily), the arrows fly in a different direction each time they're shot.

Now, let's go!
wish you success!
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